Breaking Free from the Chains of Approval Addiction
Breaking Free from the Chains of Approval Addiction

Breaking Free from the Chains of Approval Addiction

Have you ever contemplated the reasons behind individuals’ decision to remain in dysfunctional relationships or persist in unsatisfying employment? What are the barriers that impede individuals from transitioning towards a more content and fulfilling existence? The underlying factor often pertains to a significant impetus, namely the pursuit of validation. The influence of external validation on an individual’s self-esteem and decision-making processes begins to manifest from early stages of development. This blog aims to explore the psychological phenomenon of approval addiction, delineate the two distinct categories of decision makers, and elucidate the potential benefits of emancipating oneself from this pattern, thereby fostering a more authentic and fulfilling way of life.

The Power of Approval

Approval from others holds immense sway over our lives. It enhances our self-perception and persuades us that the validation of others is crucial to our sense of value. The longing for validation can potentially hinder our ability to make choices that would ultimately result in our own satisfaction.

The Fear of Disapproval

When confronted with a challenging dilemma, such as the prospect of resigning from a familial enterprise, individuals may experience apprehension regarding the potential opinions and judgements of others. Is there a possibility of facing judgement from our spouse, friends, or coworkers if we go for a less conventional or perhaps hazardous trajectory? This fear of disapproval can be a heavy burden, keeping us trapped in situations that make us increasingly unhappy.

The Turning Point

Nevertheless, it is imperative to raise a crucial inquiry: “What is the rationale behind persisting in a circumstance that is progressively exacerbating my level of unhappiness?” Upon examining this inquiry, we start to discern the path towards liberation. In order to comprehensively explore the concept of pleasure, it is imperative that we prioritize our individual needs over the perspectives of others.

Two Types of Decision Makers

Within the global context, there are two distinct categories of decision makers: internal and external. 

Internal decision makers are those who systematically evaluate all facets of a decision independently. They may care deeply about others’ opinions but have been hurt by rejection in the past, leading them to make choices independently to avoid potential rejection.

External decision makers, in contrast, consistently seek validation from external sources. To ensure the inclusion of all individuals in the decision-making process, they depend on input and approval from various stakeholders. The judgements made by individuals are often influenced by the perspectives of those in their immediate social circle.

Unconscious Influences

The addiction to others’ opinions also seeps into various aspects of our lives that we might not even be aware of. It affects our choice of neighborhood, car, school for our children, fashion choices, and even the vacations we take. Our fear of judgment keeps us in a state of purgatory, preventing us from pursuing the life we truly desire.

Breaking Free from the Addiction

To break free from the chains of approval addiction, we must learn not to care about the outcome. This takes practice and courage. Opinions are not objective truths and should never form the basis of your actions. As the person overcomes addiction, they will gain the confidence, communication skills, and empowerment to make life-altering choices.

The demand for acceptance shapes our choices and maintains us in bad situations. One potential approach to overcoming addiction and achieving a more authentic and satisfying existence involves recognizing and addressing the addiction, as well as developing the ability to value own well-being over external opinions. In order to lead a fulfilling life, it is important to embrace one’s authentic self, actively pursue personal objectives, and overcome the apprehension of rejection that may hinder the attainment of a deserving existence.

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